Friday, October 26, 2007

And this blog is for...

...a comic!

Not quite what you expected, huh?

First of all, yes, I am Autobobby1 of Smack Jeeves and various other places. Congrats if you figured it out.

Secondly, this isn't just any comic. This is the story of my life. Yeah, it's all 100% factual.

Thridly, I will not give away much information on the comic until it starts. When it does, I will tell you guys what kind of comic it is. Hooray!

Rest assured, I will meet my self-proclaimed release date. And on halloween, I will be making a public appearence. But since I'm an Omnihuman, it won't be for long. And I can't tell you where because my enemies would then find me. But I'll post a picture on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Launch

Hello, and welcome to the Omni Blog.

The Omni Blog is your #1 source for news on the Omni Team. If you have no idea what I am talking about, don't worry. Everything will become apparent soon. But I will give you three small tidbits first:

1) The blog and its brother site (that will be linked to here) will be fully launched on November 2, 2007. That's next Friday. You can wait that long, right?

2) I am the team leader. I'm awesome like that.

3) My teammates will drop by from time to time, and will sometimes post for me.

You must be pretty interested in all of this Omni stuff by now. Don't you worry, we won't fail to please. We Omnis are awesome like that.